Pr Christian Schwentner
Professor / Urology
Diakonie Klinikum - Stuttgart (Germany)
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Pr Fabrice Lecuru
Professor / Gynecological oncology
Institut Curie - Paris (France)
Pr Jean-Luc Faucheron
Professor / Head of service / Digestive surgery
CHU Grenoble - Grenoble (France)
Pr Christophe Mathoulin
Professor / Orthopaedic surgery
Institut de la Main - Paris (France)
Dr Philippe Van Trappen
Surgeon / Gynaecology and Obstetrics
AZ Sint-Jan - Brugge-Oostende (Belgium)
Dr Jacques Fourastier
Surgeon / Orthopaedic surgery
Clinique Chénieux - Limoges (France)
Dr Eric Toullec
Clinique Le Tondu - Bordeaux (France)
Pr Jean-Charles Le Huec
Professor / Head of service / Orthopaedic surgery
C.H.U de Bordeaux - Bordeaux (France)
Dr François Bertin
Surgeon / Thoracic surgery
CHU Limoges - Limoges (France)
Pr Fabien Koskas
Professor / Head of service / Vascular surgery
Hôpital Pitié-Salpêtrière - AP-HP - Paris (France)
Dr Lotfi Miladi
Hôpital Necker - Enfants Malades - AP-HP - Paris (France)
Dr Daniel Setton
Clinique des Emailleurs - Limoges (France)
Operations available for free
Pr Olivier Soubrane
Professor / Head of service / Hepatobiliary surgery and liver transplantation
Hôpital Beaujon - AP-HP - Clichy (France)
Pr Bernard Meunier
Professor / Digestive surgery
CHU Rennes - Rennes (France)
Pr Yves Panis
Dr Jérémie Belghiti
Pitié-Salpêtrière - APHP - Paris (France)
Pr Hervé Fernandez
Professor / Head of service / Gynaecology and Obstetrics
Hôpital Bicêtre - AP-HP - Le Kremlin-Bicêtre (France)
Dr Charlotte Ngo
Hôpital Européen Georges Pompidou (HEGP) - AP-HP - Paris (France)
Pr Philippe Liverneaux
Professor / Head of service / Hand surgery
C.H.R.U de Strasbourg - Illkirch (France)
Pr Philippe Hardy
Hôpital Ambroise Paré - AP-HP - Boulogne-Billancourt (France)
Dr Alain Tchurukdichian
Clinique Fontaine-les-Dijon - Fontaine les Dijon (France)
Pr Jean-Noël Argenson
Hôpital Sainte-Marguerite - AP-HM - Marseille (France)